You can pay your purchases by credit card, bank check, mandate, transfer or LCR (Truncated bill of exchange).
To pay your purchases by credit card:
You can use one of the following purchasing cards:
- MasterCard
- Carte bleue
Of course the transaction is made safe by our partner, the CIC, via an SSL encoding, which guarantees a total confidentiality of your information.
During your payment, simply select the option “Credit card” on the screen “Information on the payment”
To pay your purchases by bank check or mandate:
For the payments by cheque or mandate, simply select the option “Cheque/Mandate” on the screen “Information on the payment” and to send it to the address indicated.
In order to facilitate the treatment of your order, we advise to print the email of confirmation and to join it to your cheque
To pay your purchases by bank transfer:
For the payments by transfer, simply to select the option “Bank transfer” on the screen “Information on the payment” and to note our banking coordinates.
To pay your purchases by LCR (Truncated bill of exchange):
If you are a regular customer, the payment by not accepted LCR enables you to profit from a time of 30 days payment goes back to invoice. To profit from it, simply forward to us your bank account number.
Caution: Except for the regular customers, the forwarding of your order will be done only after reception of your payment, which can lengthen the deadlines, in particular for the cheques and mandates.